The best way to get positive reviews

Reading time: 5 mins 

We reveal it here

Apart from buying positive reviews, which you can do through our website, there is another very effective way to get positive reviews. This is by contacting your customers and asking them to put them up. For this there are several ways to do it. 

1. The most effective but complicated: WhatsApp

The best is to open them on Whatsapp one by one and ask them. This one takes a lot of time, but it is really effective.

2. The least effective: Newsletter

You can also do it by sending emails. This is the least effective, since out of 1000 emails you will hopefully get 1 or 2 reviews.

3. The best result-effort-time ratio: Sending SMS

And then we have the one that we reveal to you here. It is not the most effective but in relation to effort and result it is the best and the most used. We refer to the sending of SMS. If you have the phone numbers of your customers, don't think twice. 

But beware, and one very important thing whatever method you use is to use a filter page.

What is that what is it? We show it to you in the next section.

The Filter Page

A filter page is a page where if the customer's opinion is negative, it takes him to a form where he will leave his opinion but it will not be published anywhere.

If instead it is positive, it will take you to your Google My Business listing to be published, preventing negative reviews from being published.

A big mistake is to send directly to the Google My Business page directly, since you can get negative reviews and for 1 negative you need 10 positive ones to overcome the score.

How can SMS be sent?

At Rating Trust, you can get a filter page for €79 or if you have been a customer and have bought reviews before, for €0. Then the cost of sending the SMS of €0,08. The good thing is that you only have to send us the telephone numbers (and names if you have them) and we take care of everything. Without complications.

1000 sms usually provide between 25 and 50 reviews and it costs only €80, apart from the fact that you will do feedback and remarketing with your clients who will appreciate that you have asked them. If you want more information you can visit our section.

Success stories

It really works if you want to get a really good score. So we encourage you to use the filter page TOTALLY FREE; Only if you have been a client, ask us and we will create it for you. And if you dare you can send SMS with us. 
